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Let’s face it – many of us look forward to the cold seasons here in New England. Whether this excitement is revolved around outdoor activities or putting aside some beauty routines, who are we to say? All we know here at Aidan James Salon is that pedicures should remain on the top of the list.

All too often, our professionals hear the stories or see the remnants of neglected feet. Sure, you can take the stance that no one sees your feet during the winter. However, that only means springtime maintenance requires that much more effort. Beyond that, here are three more reasons not to neglect your feet during the winter season.


Pedicures are good for the soul.

Hate them or love them; your feet are the root to the rest of your whole self. With winter being one of the highest seasons linked to seasonal depression, it’s imperative to take time to treat yourself! And, it starts with your feet.

With over 7,000 nerve endings in each foot, these babies deserve the ultimate in self-care all year long!


pedicures near me


Exfoliate. All Day. Every Day.

We get it – it’s nice to set aside a few chores for a couple of months. Life is busy, so we take what we can get, right? Well, when it comes to exfoliating your feet, keeping up is a must. Our body continuously sheds dead skin cells that can accumulate, making it difficult for your skin to breathe. By exfoliating, you keep a clear, healthy path for those feet to breathe!


Improved circulation.

One of the best parts of winter manicures is the benefit of improved circulation. If you’re like many people, you get cold feet. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can hurt! At Aidan James Salon, our professional manicures include massage. And, as you know, massage helps to increase the flow of blood, improving the overall circulation to your feet.


pedicures nh


While pedicures are generally a spring and summer focus, remember that your feet deserve attention all year long! Contact Aidan James Salon today to make your wintertime pedicure appointment. We promise you’ll be happy that you did!

Schedule your appointment by calling (603) 598-0795.